Free Range Farm Eggs Whangarei NZ
Want to know what goes into your eggs?HEALTHY LIVING IN = HEALTHY LIVING OUT...Savour the difference of free range eggs donated by happy chooks, free to ranging over 100 acres (though the owners door step has unique attraction!)
Anne - 12/3/15 "They are sooo good and it is so nice to eat eggs with a good concience!"
Contact: Evan & Ada Davis Ph: 09 436 1103Ridgeland Farm, 400 Owhiwa RdParua Bay, Whangarei Heads, Northland NZEMAIL HERE
South Suffolk Sheep NZAt Ridgeland our primary focus is on breeding this fine NZ breed. With their long black legs, large expressive eyes and top notch breeding qualities, the South Suffolk are in high demand for Lifestyle Blocks and Commercial Flocks. More...
Free Range Eggs WhangareiFree Range Eggs, Whangarei. FIVE dollars per DOZEN. Join our ever growing list of happy customers NOW More...
Firewood WhangareiGreat mix of clean, dry, split firewood available in banana boxes, bags, and by the cubic meter. Order yours NOW. More...